Glossary A

Deutsch: Bindungsbasierte Therapie / Español: Terapia Basada en el Apego / Português: Terapia Baseada no Apego / Français: Thérapie Basée sur l'Attachement / Italiano: Terapia Basata sull'Attaccamento

Attachment-Based Therapy in the context of psychology refers to a therapeutic approach that emphasizes the importance of early attachment relationships in shaping an individual's emotional and psychological development. Originating from John Bowlby’s attachment theory, this form of therapy focuses on the client's early attachment experiences and their impact on current behavior, emotional responses, and relationships. The goal is to identify and address issues related to insecure or disordered attachment patterns that may contribute to mental health issues.

Attachment-in-the-making phase refers to the second phase in the development of attachment, occurring at 3 or 4 months of age and characterized by preference for familiar figures.

Attachments refer to relationships through which individuals satisfy fundamental needs

In psychology, the term "attack" can refer to a range of behaviors or actions that are intended to harm or offend someone else. These behaviors can be physical, verbal, or nonverbal, and they can be directed at individuals or groups.

Attempt-suppressing signal refers to a cue given by a speaker to indicate to a listener that he or she is not finished with his or her speech yet

Attended stimulus refers to the stimulus that a person is attending to at a given point in time.

Attention refers to the ability to concentrate. The ability to focus selectively on a selected stimulus, sustaining that focus and shifting it at will.

Attention are cognitive res

Englisch: Psychological Skills
Attention and Concentration Control (focusing)
Skill commonly used to help individuals identify their current situation and the relevant stimuli within that situation.