Glossary 0-9

"Type A” coronary-prone behavior pattern refers to a constellation of characteristics, including impatience, anger, and hostility, which has been linked to heart disease

”9tetrahydrocannabinol" (9THC) refers to a chemical found in the leaves of marijuana plants

100% sampling refers to a research strategy in which all members of a particular group are included in the sample.

2-AG (sn-2 arachidonylglycerol) refers to a chemical that is produced in large quantities by the brain and that attaches to cannabinoid receptors

2-deoxyglucose technique refers to a procedure that involves injecting a radioactive 2-deoxyglucose (2DG) molecule into an animal and exposing the animal to oriented stimuli. The 2DG is taken up by neurons that respond to the orientation. This procedure is used to visualize orientation columns in the cortex.

A 360-degree feedback is a performance-appraisal system in which feedback is obtained from multiple sources such as supervisors, subordinates, and peers.

5-HIAA is the abbreviations of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid which is a serotonin metabolite.

5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid or 5-HIAA refers to a serotonin metabolite.

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