Glossary A

Average life expectancy refers to the age at which half of the people born in a particular year will have died; an estimate of the average number of years a group of people will live

Average longevity refers to the length of time it takes for half of all people born in a certain year to die.

Average-status children refer to children who receive an average number of nominations as a liked and/or a disliked individual from members of their peer group

Averaging versus adding model refers to a model proposed by Anderson that postulates that our impressions are based more on the average value of each impression than on the sum of th

- Averroes (1126 to 1198) : Averroes refers to a Muslim physician and philosopher who, among other things, wrote commentaries on Aristotle's work on the senses, memory, sleep and waking, and dreams.

Aversion refers to a strong dislike or negative reaction to a particular stimulus or situation. Aversion can be a natural response to unpleasant experiences or objects, and it can also be learned through conditioning.

Aversion therapy refers to the condition ing technique for attempting to eliminate unwanted behaviour by pairing an unpleasant (aversive) stimulus with the behaviour—for example, inducing nausea when alcohol is consumed.

Aversions refer to the responses of discomfort or dislike to a particular object or situation.