Glossary B

Behavioral Activation System refers to a subsystem of the brain that activates Behavior in response to cues of reward or nonpunishment.

Behavioral Activation System is also known

Behavioral approach refers to a view based on the assumption that human Behavior is determined mainly by what a person has learned in life, especially by rewards and punishments.

Behavioral Assessment refers to the evaluation of the child's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in specific settings, based on which hypotheses are formulated about the Nature of the problem and what can be done about it.

- Behavioral assessment in behavior therapies : Behavioral assessment in behavior therapies refers to the therapist's assessment of the clients' (patient) adaptive and maladaptive behaviors and the triggers for these behaviors
Behavioral assignments refer to "homeworks" given by behavioral therapist to clients or patients to practice new behaviors or gather new information between therapy sessions. Behavioral assignments also refer to "home practice" activities given by the therapists to their clients to be performed on their own as part of an integrated therapeutic intervention for behavior modification.

Deutsch: Verhaltensassimilation / Español: Asimilación conductual / Português: Assimilação comportamental / Français: Assimilation comportementale / Italiano: Assimilazione comportamentale /

Behavioral assimilation refers to the eventual matching of the behaviors displayed by cooperating or competing group members.

Behavioral bliss point approach refers to the theory that an organism with free access to alternative activities will distribute its behavior in such a way as to maximize overall reinforcement.

Behavioral comparisons phase refers to the tendency to form impressions of others by comparing and contrasting their overt behaviors.