Glossary C

- Catatonic type of Schizophrenia : Catatonic type of Schizophrenia refers to the type of Schizophrenia in which motor disturbances, like rigidity, agitation, and odd mannerisms predominate.
Catch-up growth refers to a period of accelerated growth in which children who have experienced growth deficits grow very rapidly to "catch up to" the growth trajectory that they are genetically programmed to follow.

Deutsch: Sich selbst fangen / Español: Atraparse a sí mismo / Português: Capturando a si mesmo / Français: Se rattraper / Italiano: Cogliersi /

Catching oneself refers to a technique in Adlerian therapy where patients learn to notice that they are performing behaviors which they wish to change. When they catch themselves, they may have an "Aha” response.

Catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) refers to enzyme that converts catecholamines into synaptically inactive forms.

Catecholamines refer to organic compounds, including Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and Dopamine. They are a class of neurotransmitters, Epinephrine and Norepinephrine, and Dopamine that promote sympathetic nervous system activity; released in substantial quantities during stressful times.They contain both catechol and an amine (NH2)

Categorical Approach refers to an approach to studying personality that posits qualitatively different types of people, instead of continuous trait dimensions along which people can vary.

Categorical Classification refers to the diagnostic systems that are primarily based on informed professional consensus, which is an approach that has dominated and continues to dominate the fields of both child and adult psychopathology.

Categorical classifications refer to the diagnostic systems that are primarily based on informed professional consensus, which is an approach that has dominated and continues to domin