Deutsch: Kindheit

In the context of psychology, the term "childhood" refers to the developmental stage that occurs between infancy and adolescence. Childhood is a time of significant physical, cognitive, and social growth and development, and is marked by a wide range of developmental milestones and changes.

Childhood is often divided into three main stages: early childhood, middle childhood, and late childhood. Early childhood refers to the period from infancy to around age 6 or 7, and is characterized by rapid physical and cognitive development. Middle childhood refers to the period from around age 7 to 11, and is marked by increased independence, socialization, and the development of more complex thinking skills. Late childhood refers to the period from around age 11 to the onset of adolescence, and is characterized by continued physical and cognitive growth, as well as increased social and emotional development.

Childhood is an important period of development that can have a lasting impact on an individual's mental health and well-being. Psychologists and other mental health professionals often work with children and families to support healthy development and address any mental health concerns that may arise during this period.

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