Comprehension refers to the ability to derive meaning from text; the reason for Reading.

Comprehension is the process of understanding and interpreting information, ideas, or concepts. In psychology, comprehension is a cognitive process that involves the ability to understand and make sense of written or spoken language, as well as other forms of communication.

Comprehension is an important aspect of learning and education, and can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as age, language skills, prior knowledge, and cognitive abilities.

Here are some examples of how comprehension might be relevant in psychology:

  • A child learning to read develops comprehension skills as they learn to decode words and understand the meaning of text.

  • A student taking a college course uses their comprehension skills to understand and retain the material covered in lectures and readings.

  • A person listening to a presentation uses their comprehension skills to understand the speaker's points and follow the flow of the presentation.

Comprehension can be affected by a variety of factors, such as the complexity of the material, the person's level of motivation, and their level of prior knowledge. Improving comprehension skills can be an important focus of educational and learning interventions.

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