Glossary D

Drag king refers to a professional actor, who, for a variety of reasons, performs in men’s clothing.

Drag queen refers to a professional actor, typically a gay man, who, for a variety of reasons, performs in flamboyant women’s clothing. Drag queen is also defined as a male homosexual who dresses in women's clothing.

Dragon's teeth is defined as seeds of discord. Often used in the form "to sow dragon's teeth": to take an action that leads to future conflict. The term "Dragon's teeth" is from the Greek mythology where the Phoenician prince Cadmus killed a dragon and sowed its teeth and from those sprang an army of men who fought each other until only five (5) were left.

Drama therapy / Psychodrama is a term used by the National Association for Drama Therapy which refers to the systematic and intentional use of drama/theater processes, products, and assoc

Dramatherapy refers to a means of making psychological change by involving individuals in experiences that are related to theater. Sometimes patients may enact their own spontaneous drama, play the parts of a play that has been written, or observe a play and discuss it. Psychodrama is considered to be one form of Dramatherapy.
Dramatic play is defined as a play in which children enact social roles made possible by the attainment of symbolic thought. Dramatic play is a form of Pretend play.

Dramatic-emotional personality disorders refer to disorders which include Antisocial, Borderline, Narcissistic, and Histrionic personality disorders which are characterized by dramatic and impulsive behaviors that are maladaptive and dangerous

Drapetomania refers to a fictitious mental illness believed to cause slaves to run away from their masters and obsessively seek freedom.