Glossary E

Eating attitudes refers to a person’s belief that cultural standards for attractiveness, body image, and social acceptance are closely tied to the ability to control one’s diet and weight gain.

Eating disorder refers to any serious and habitual disturbance in eating Behavior that produces unhealthy consequences

Eating Disorders are characterized by a disturbance in eating behavior. There are two main types of eating disorders,

Eating Disorders, Not Otherwise Specifi ed (EDNOS) refers to a category of eating disorders that includes problems that do not quite fulfill criteria for anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa.

Eavesdroppers is defined as individuals/persons who listen in on conversations without the participants' awareness.
Ebrious means inclined to excessive drinking. Moreover, the word means tipsy. Ebrious is synonymous to the words inebriated and sobriety

- EBS (Electronic brainstorming) : EBS is teh acronym of Electronic brainstorming which means generating ideas and solving problems using computer-based communication methods such as online discussions and real-time e-mail rather than face-to-face sessions.

Ebullient means bubbling with enthusiasm or excitement.