Grouping is a term in Piaget's Theory referring to a set of logically related operations.

In the psychology context, grouping refers to the cognitive process of categorizing and organizing stimuli or information into meaningful groups based on their similarities and differences. Grouping is essential for efficient information processing and helps individuals make sense of the world around them.

There are several types of grouping, including:

  1. Similarity grouping: stimuli that are similar in size, shape, color, or texture are grouped together. For example, a group of red apples and green apples can be grouped based on their color.

  2. Proximity grouping: stimuli that are close to each other are grouped together. For example, in a list of numbers, people may group together numbers that are adjacent to each other.

  3. Closure grouping: stimuli that form a closed shape are grouped together. For example, people may group a collection of lines to form a triangle.

  4. Continuity grouping: stimuli that form a continuous pattern are grouped together. For example, people may group a set of dots that form a straight line.

  5. Common fate grouping: stimuli that move together or change together are grouped together. For example, people may group a flock of birds flying together.

Grouping is an essential aspect of perception and can affect how individuals interpret and remember information.

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