Medial means located toward the midline, away from the side; toward the middle/midline, away from the side.

In psychology, the term "medial" can refer to the middle or central part of something, or to a position that is located near the center of something.

For example, the term "medial" might be used to describe the middle or central part of the brain, such as the medial prefrontal cortex or the medial temporal lobe. These areas of the brain are located near the center of the brain and play important roles in a variety of functions, such as decision-making, emotion, and memory.

The term "medial" might also be used to describe the position of an object or structure that is located near the center of the body, such as the medial collateral ligament in the knee or the medial epicondyle of the humerus.

Overall, "medial" refers to the middle or central part of something, or to a position that is located near the center of something. In psychology, the term might be used to describe the middle or central part of the brain, or to describe the position of an object or structure that is located near the center of the body.

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