Glossary N

Natural disaster stressors is defined as short-term stressors and are usually more severe than long-term stressors. For example, Natural disasters such as flooding, earthquakes, and hurricanes can kill thousands of people and survivors usually experience severe psychological consequences lasting a lifetime.

Natural environment phobia refers to a subtype of specific phobia characterized by a fear of situations or events that occur in the natural environment or nature, especially storms, heights, or water.

Natural environment type phobias refer to extreme fears of events or situations in the natural environment that cause impairment in one's ability to function normally.
Natural experiment refers to an experiment in which comparisons are made between pre-existing conditions or treatments.

Natural Family Planning (NFP) is defined as a contraceptive method that involves calculating ovulation and avoiding sexual intercourse during ovulation and at other unsafe times.

Natural health is an eclectic self -care system of natural therapies that builds and restores health and wellness by working with the natural recuperative powers of the human body.

Natural helping refers to the informal style of the untrained lay helper. Natural helpers rely on intuition, familiarity, natural responsiveness, and personal opinions. The four (4) different styles are: listener, analyzer, problem solver, and challenger.

Natural killer (NK) cell is defined as a type of lymphocyte that attacks invading organisms; type of leukocyte that destroys certain kinds of tumor cells and cells infected with viruses Natural killer cells are cells that circulate in the body, playing a role in different immune responses and especially in destroying diseased cells by injecting them with toxic chemicals. .

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