Glossary P

psychopathy refers to a pattern of deceitful, callous, manipulative, and remorseless behavior.

Psychopharmacology is defined as the management of psychiatric illness using medication such as antidepressants, antipsychotics, and anti-anxiety medications. It is the sub-area of Pharmacology that concerns the effects of drugs on behavior

psychophysiological assessment refers to measurement of changes in the nervous system reflecting psychological or emotional events such as anxiety, stress, and sexual arousal.

Psychophysiology is the branch of psychology that studies the relationship between the physiological processes and behavior. It seeks to understand how biological processes and behavior are connected, and how they interact with each other. In particular, psychophysiology examines the relationship between the nervous system, the endocrine system, and behavior.

Psychosexual development refers to the blending of sexual aspects of one's development with other psychological factors

Psychosexual Disorder refers to sexual disorders which are assumed to be due to psychological factors.

Psychosexual stages is a term which according to psychoanalytic theory refers to the normal sequence of development through which each individual passes between infancy and adulthood.

- Psychosexual stages of development : psychosexual stages of development refers to Psychoanalytic concept of the sequence of phases a person passes through during development. Each stage is named for the location on the body where Id gratification is maximal at that time.

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