Glossary P

Deutsch: Parasympathische Erholung / Español: Rebote parasimpático / Português: Recuperação parassimpática / Français: Rebond parasympathique / Italiano: Rimbalzo parassimpatico /

Parasympathetic rebound refers to excess activity in the Parasympathetic nervous system following a period of intense emotion.

- Paraventricular nucleus (PVN) : Paraventricular nucleus (PVN) is the area of the hypothalamus in which activity tends to limit meal size and damage leads to excessively large meals

Parens patriae refers to the state's authority to protect those who are unable to protect themselves.
Parent effects model refers to model of family influence in which parents, particularly mothers are believed to influence their children rather than vice versa

Parent management training refers to a set of therapeutic procedures that teaches parents how to modify a child's or adolescent's Behavior at home using Behavioral Techniques such as

parent management training (PMT) refers to a program aimed at teaching parents to cope effectively with their child’s difficult behavior and their own reactions to it.

Parental consent is abortion legislation that requires the consent of the parents of a minor prior to an abortion procedure.

In the psychology context, parental investment refers to the time, energy, and resources that parents expend for the growth, well-being, and reproductive success of their offspring. This concept is central to evolutionary psychology and is based on the theory proposed by Robert Trivers. It posits that the extent of parental investment in offspring is directly related to maximizing the parent's genetic contribution to future generations. Parental investment includes not just the biological act of producing offspring but also encompasses the care and protection provided to ensure these offspring reach maturity and can themselves reproduce.

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