Glossary S

Scenario writing refers to a technique intended to predict future outcomes, and which builds upon environmental scanning by attempting to assess the likelihood of a variety of possib

Schachter-Singer Theory (1962) which is also known as Arousal-Interpretation Theory refers to one of the best-known approaches to emotions which can be said to have started the modern

Schadenfreude refers to pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others.

Schematic Propositional Associative and Analogic Representational Systems (SPAARS) refers to one of the most interesting multi-level theories of emotions put forward by Power and Dalgleish (1977).

Deutsch: Spaltung / Español: Cisma / Português: Cisma / Français: Schisme / Italiano: Scisma /

In psychology, "schism" refers to a significant division, conflict, or rift within an individual's psyche or between different aspects of their personality. It represents a state of inner discord or fragmentation, where conflicting thoughts, emotions, or beliefs create a sense of disunity and psychological distress. Schism can manifest in various forms, leading to inner turmoil and challenging interpersonal relationships. In this article, we will explore the concept of schism in psychology, provide examples, discuss potential risks and application areas, offer recommendations for addressing and healing schism, and briefly touch upon historical and legal perspectives. Finally, we will list some similar psychological concepts.

Schizoaffective disorder refers to a psychotic disorder involving the experience of a major depressive episode, a manic episode, or a mixed episode while also meeting the diagnostic criteria for schizophrenia. Schizoaffective disorder also refers to a psychotic disorder featuring symptoms of both schizophrenia and major mood disorder.

Schizoid personality disorder refers to a syndrome marked by a chronic lack of interest in and avoidance of interpersonal relationships as well as emotional coldness in interactions with others; a Cluster A personality disorder characterized by social withdrawal and/or odd or strange mannerisms; symptoms include magical thinking, ideas of reference, illusions, and derealization.

Schizophrenia refers to a psychotic mental disorder of unknown etiology characterized by disturbances in thinking, mood, and behavior.

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