Target-present lineup refers to a (police) lineup in which the person who committed the Crime is one of the lineup members.

In the psychology context, a target-present lineup is a type of lineup used in eyewitness identification procedures. It is designed to determine whether a witness can correctly identify a suspect from a lineup of individuals, where the actual suspect (i.e., the target) is present in the lineup.

Here are some examples of situations where a target-present lineup might be used:

  1. A witness to a crime is asked to identify the perpetrator from a lineup of individuals, where the actual suspect is one of the people in the lineup.

  2. A security camera captures footage of a theft, and the police create a lineup of individuals that match the physical description of the suspect. The actual suspect is one of the people in the lineup, and the witness is asked to identify the suspect from the lineup.

  3. A victim of a hit-and-run accident is asked to identify the driver from a lineup of individuals, where the actual driver is one of the people in the lineup.

Target-present lineups are used to test the accuracy of eyewitness identifications, and are often compared to target-absent lineups, where the actual suspect is not present in the lineup. The goal of these lineups is to minimize false identifications and increase the accuracy of eyewitness identifications in criminal investigations. However, research has shown that eyewitness identification is a complex and fallible process, and there are many factors that can affect the accuracy of identification, even in target-present lineups.

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