Territorial Aggression (defence of a fixed space against intruders) is a kind of aggression which refers to the threat or attack behavior displayed towards an invasion of ones territory or the submissive-retreat behavior displayed when confronted while intruding.

Invasion of ones territory can include much more than property, a belief that another person is encroaching on ones status could also be considered an invasion. The loss of power in relationships that can lead to spouse abuse could possibly be explained by this kind of aggression.

Other /More definition:
Territorial Aggression (defence of a fixed space against intruders) is a kind of aggression which refers to the threat or attack behavior displayed towards an invasion of ones territory or the submissive-retreat behavior displayed when confronted while intruding. Invasion of ones territory can include much more than property, a belief that another person is encroaching on ones status could also be considered an invasion. The loss of power in relationships that can lead to spouse abuse could possibly be explained by this kind of aggression.

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