Glossary Y

yo-yo dieting refers to the process of chronically alternating between dieting and regular eating, leading to successive weight gains and losses. Over time, yo-yo dieters increase their chances of becoming obese by altering their underlying metabolism.

Yoga is simply defined as the science of stretching to feel better. It is a Sanskrit word which means union: the union of the body, mind and spirit.

yohimbine is produced from the bark of the African yohimbe tree that is often used as an aphrodisiac.

You-message refers to threatening, accusing, bossing, lecturing, or criticizing of another person.

Young-Helmholtz theory refers to the Theory that people perceive color through the relative rates of response by three (3) kinds of cones, with each kind maximally sensitive to a diff

Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision states that separate receptor systems on the retina are responsive to each of the three primary colors: red, green, and blue-violet. Young-Helmholtz theory of color vision is lso called the Trichromatic theory or Trichromatic theory of color vision.

young-old refers to among the very old, those who remain healthy, vigorous, and competent.

Deutsch: Jugendlicher / Español: Joven / Português: Jovem / Français: Jeune / Italiano: Giovane

In the psychology context, "Youngster" typically refers to a child or adolescent in the stages of development that precede adulthood. This term is used broadly and can encompass various phases of childhood and adolescence, focusing on the psychological, physical, emotional, and social changes that occur during these formative years. Psychology explores the developmental milestones, challenges, and behaviors characteristic of youngsters, aiming to understand how they grow, learn, and interact with their environment and others.

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