Zombie refers to a person behaving like an automaton, that is listless, wooden, or lacking energy. In Voodoo, Zombie refers to a supernatural force or spirit that can enter a dead body. Likewise, the soulless body that is revived in this manner.

In the context of psychology, the term "zombie" is often used to refer to a hypothetical being that lacks consciousness or free will, and simply responds to external stimuli in a robotic or automatic way.

In some philosophical debates, the concept of philosophical zombies is often discussed, which are entities that are identical to humans in every physical aspect, but lack subjective experience, consciousness or qualia. Philosophers use the concept of zombies to explore the nature of consciousness and the mind-body problem.

In the field of psychology, the term "zombie" is sometimes used more colloquially to describe people who seem to be lacking in emotion, enthusiasm, or energy, and who go through life in a robotic or disengaged manner. This usage of the term is often metaphorical and not meant to suggest a literal lack of consciousness or free will.

It's worth noting that the concept of "zombie" is not recognized as a legitimate psychological or psychiatric diagnosis, and should not be used as such. Rather, it is a theoretical construct used in philosophical and sometimes metaphorical discussions.

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