Basic evil a term used which is according to Horney is anything that parents do to frustrate the basic needs of their child and thus undermine the child's feeling of security.

In psychology, the concept of "basic evil" was originally introduced by psychoanalyst Erich Fromm to describe a type of destructive behavior that stems from an individual's inability to form healthy, fulfilling relationships with others. Fromm argued that when individuals are unable to form healthy connections with others, they may resort to destructive behaviors in an attempt to gain a sense of power or control.

Here are some examples of behaviors that could be considered expressions of basic evil:

  1. Bullying - Individuals who engage in bullying behavior often do so as a way to gain power or control over others. They may feel insecure or powerless in other areas of their lives, and use bullying as a way to feel better about themselves.

  2. Domestic violence - Abusers in domestic violence situations often use violence as a way to exert power and control over their partners. They may have a deep-seated fear of abandonment or rejection, and use violence to maintain their sense of control over their partners.

  3. Narcissism - Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder often have a deep-seated fear of inadequacy or failure, and may use grandiose behaviors and attitudes to mask these feelings. They may have difficulty forming healthy, reciprocal relationships with others, and may resort to manipulative behaviors in order to get what they want.

  4. Sociopathy - Individuals with sociopathic tendencies may engage in destructive or criminal behaviors as a way to gain power or control over others. They may lack empathy or compassion for others, and may view other people as objects to be used for their own purposes.

  5. Addiction - Individuals with addiction issues may use drugs or alcohol as a way to escape from their problems or to gain a sense of control over their lives. Addiction can be a destructive force that undermines relationships and creates chaos in an individual's life.

It's worth noting that the concept of "basic evil" is a controversial one, and there is debate among psychologists about its validity and usefulness as a framework for understanding human behavior. Some critics argue that the idea of "basic evil" is too simplistic and doesn't take into account the complexity and diversity of human experience.

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