Deutsch: Versuchspersonen / Español: Sujetos de experimentación / Português: Sujeitos experimentais / Français: Sujets de l'expérience / Italiano: Soggetti sperimentali /

Experimental subjects refer to humans who is also referred to as participants or animals whose behavior is investigated in an experiment.

Experimental subjects, also known as participants, refer to individuals who take part in research studies conducted by psychologists or other scientists. These individuals are often recruited through advertisements or other means, and their participation is usually voluntary. The use of experimental subjects is essential in the field of psychology, as it allows researchers to test their hypotheses and determine the effectiveness of interventions or treatments.

Experimental subjects can come from a wide range of backgrounds, depending on the specific research question being addressed. For example, a study examining the effects of a new drug on depression might recruit individuals who have been diagnosed with depression. A study exploring the influence of social media on self-esteem might recruit participants who use social media frequently.

It is important for researchers to obtain informed consent from their experimental subjects, which means that participants must be fully informed about the nature of the study, including any risks or benefits involved, before agreeing to take part. Ethical considerations must also be taken into account, including protecting participants' privacy and confidentiality and minimizing any potential harm or discomfort.

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