Glossary F

Fastuous means haughty; arrogant; pretentious.

Fatalism refers to the belief that a person with cancer cannot live a normal life and will die.
Fatalistic suicide is defines as suicide undertaken when an individual seeks to escape from an overcontrolling social context. It is a sociological category in which suicide is said to arise from excessive regulation of individuals by society
Fatigue refers to a loss of work capacity that results when the body depletes its energy and is unable to maintain a steady level of performance.

Fatigue effect is a form of carryover effect in which behavior decreases over the course of an experiment

In the field of psychology, we strive to promote mental health and well-being for all individuals regardless of their size or shape.

Fawn means to exhibit affection or attempt to please, as a dog does by wagging its tail, whining, or cringing. 2. Fawn may also mean to seek favor or attention by flattery and obsequious behavior.

FD/FI (Field dependence/Field independence) refers to a cognitive/thinking styles defined by the degree to which a person can perceive parts of a visual field separately from the whole. --->Field independence versus Field dependence