Glossary F

Free will for Beccaria and the classical school, even though people are hedonistic, they also possess reason, and can therefore calculate the course of action that is really in their self -interest.

Free-floating Anxiety refers to Anxiety not associated with a particular object, event, or situation.

Free-gift technique refers to a strategy to increase compliance, based on the fact that giving someone a small gift increases the likelihood of agreement with a subsequent request.

Free-runing refers to a condition in which a subject is cut off from zeitgebers, allowing it to adjust to an individualized cycle. Please see Zeitgebers.
Free-running rhythm refers to circadian or circannual rhythm that is not being periodically reset by light or other cues.

Freebase it is when a substance is separated or "freed" from its salt base. This is the separated form of the substance.

Deutsch: Freiheit / Español: Libertad / Português: Liberdade / Français: Liberté / Italiano: Libertà

Freedom in psychology refers to the concept of having autonomy and control over one’s actions and decisions. It encompasses the individual's capacity to choose their own path in life without undue external constraints and to act in accordance with their own values and desires.

Freedom means how we wish to live our lives, express ourselves, and worship. Included also are choices about who we associate with, what we wish to read or write, and how we wish to create or behave.

Freedom of Information Act refers to an act recognizing the public's "right to know" information. This law assures the right of individuals to access their federal records. Most states have similar laws that assure access to state records.