Glossary F

Function is defined as a line or curve illustrating the relationship of one variable to another. In developmental psychology, Function is an action related to a structure, such as movement of a muscle, firing of a nerve, or activation of a mental representation ; contrast with structure. Please see also Bidirectionality of structure and function.

Function morphemes is defined as a morpheme that adds detail and nuance to the meaning of the content morphemes or helps the content morphemes fit the grammatical context
Function word is defined as a word such as an article, preposition, or conjunction that plays a secondary role in the meaning of a sentence. Please see also Content word.

Functional analysis is defined as a central feature of behavioral assessment. In a Functional analysis, careful analyses are made of the stimuli preceding a behavior and the consequences following from it to gain a precise understanding of the causes of the behavior.

- Functional Analysis of Behavior : Functional Analysis of Behavior refers to an effort to identify as many factors as possible that could be contributing to a child’s problem behavior, thoughts, and feelings, and to develop hypotheses about which ones are the most important and/or most easily changed.

Functional architecture (of the brain) it is how the brain is organized to serve the functions it performs.
Functional conflict refers to conflict that results in increased performance or better interpersonal relations.

Functional distance refers to the closeness between two (2) places in terms of the opportunities for interaction, compared to physical distance.