Glossary I

Illness representations (schemas) refer to an organized set of beliefs about an illness or a type of illness that include its nature, cause, duration, and consequences. .

Illocutionary force refers to the action that is performed by a speaker in uttering a sentence as stated in Speech act theory,

Illogical thought refers to a thought that is intuitive, haphazard, or irrational.

Illumination refers to an intermediate stage in problem solving in which the individual gains insight or discovers a potential solution to a problem

Illumination edge is defined as the border between two (2) areas created by different light intensities in the two (2) areas.

Illusion refers to an abnormal perception caused by a sensory misinterpretation of and actual stimulus, sometimes precipitated by strong emotion, e.g.

Illusion of control refers to a bias that occurs when people overestimate the co-variation between their actions and environmental outcomes.
Illusion of control is defined as perception of uncontrollable events as subject to one's control or as more controllable than they are.