Glossary M

Munchausen by proxy a variant of Factitious disorder characterized by the deliberate falsification by a caregiver of another’s medical history and by manipulation of the medical community in a way that causes the charge to be subjected to unnecessary medical procedures and hospitalizations; the caregiver acts on the unconscious psychological need to maintain the sick role, even though the sick role is experienced only indirectly

Munchausen syndrome refers to a kind of disorder where an affected person fakes his or her own medical problems in Order to

Munchausen syndrome by proxy refers to a kind of disorder where an affected person fakes the medical problems of someone in his or her care in Order to gain attention.

The Munchausen's syndrome is an extreme form of factitious disorder in which the individual goes to great lengths to maintain a sick role.

Münchhausen or Munchausen refer to Baron Munchausen (1720–1797), a German nobleman whose adventurous life was later fictionalized in literature and film.

The Munchhausen syndrome by proxy is a parenting disorder in which the parent either fabricates an illness or induces an illness in their child.

Deutsch: Alltagsrealismus / Español: Realismo mundano / Português: Realismo mundano / Français: Réalisme banal / Italiano: Realismo mondano /

Mundane realism is a degree to which an experiment is superficially similar to everyday situations.

- Muramyl Dipeptide (MDP) : Muramyl Dipeptide or MDP refers to a substance that raises body temperature, activates the immune system, and increases the amount of NREM sleep sleep when injected into animals.

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