Glossary M

Multilevel perspective examination of group behavior from several different levels of analysis, including individual level (Micro), group level (Meso) and organizational or social level (Macro).

Multilingualism in the context of psychology refers to the ability of an individual to speak, understand, or use multiple languages proficiently. It encompasses the cognitive, social, and emotional aspects of being fluent in multiple languages. Multilingualism is a complex phenomenon that can have profound effects on an individual's identity, cognition, and interpersonal relationships.

Deutsch: Multimethodischer Bewertungsansatz / Español: Enfoque de evaluación multimétodo / Português: Abordagem de avaliação multimétodo / Français: Approche d'évaluation multiméthode / Italiano: Approccio di valutazione multimetodo /

Multimethod Assessment approach refers to a clinical Assessment that emphasizes the importance of obtaining information from different informants, in a variety of settings, using a v

Multimodal means using a variety of techniques. Moreover, Mutimodal refers to the involvement of a number of different senses in determining perception. For example, speech perception can be influenced by information from a number of different senses, including audition, vision, and touch.

Multimodal distribution is defined as a distribution of scores with more than two (2) modes or distinct peaks in a frequency distribution graph

Multimodal nature of pain refers to the fact that the experience of pain has both sensory and emotional components.

Deutsch: Multimode Theorie / Español: Teoría multimodal / Português: Teoria multimodal / Français: Théorie multimodale / Italiano: Teoria multimodale /

Multimode theory refers to a theory which proposes that attention is flexible; selection of one (1) message over another message can be made at any of various different points in the course of information processing.

Deutsch: Multipennaten Muskel / Español: Músculo multipennate / Português: Músculo multipennate / Français: Muscle multipenné / Italiano: Muscolo multipennato /

Multipennate muscle is defined as type of pennate muscle that has several tendons with fibers running diagonally between them, such as the deltoid.

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