Glossary M

Mulligrubs means grumpiness; colic; low spirits. Mulligrubs refers also to an ill-tempered person.

Multi-axial diagnostic system of the DSM-IV-TR refers to the system of five (5) Axes or mechanisms for gathering and recording data, currently in use by the mental health profession.
Multi-infarct Dementia is a Dementia caused by multiple small strokes or Ischemic attacks.
- Multi-Method Assessment Approach : Multi-Method Assessment Approach refers to a clinical assessment which emphasizes the importance of obtaining information from different informants or sources, in a variety of settings, using a variety of procedures that include interviews, observations, questionnaires, and tests.

Multi-modal treatment also called Multi-modal therapy is a combination of both medication and behavior modification.

Multi-Skilling is a term used in human resources management referring to the increase of the skills base of the workforce, usually bringing in new technology.

Multi-tasking requires for staff to take on a wider range of or different tasks at the same time, usually involving on-the-job training.

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Multiattribute utility theory (MAUT) refers to a normative model of decision making that provides a means of integrating different dimensions and goals of a complex decision. MAUT involves six steps, which are the following: (1) breaking a decision down into independent dimensions; (2) determining the relative weights of each of those dimensions;. (3) listing all the alternatives;. (4) ranking all the alternatives along the dimensions;. (5) multiplying the rankings by the weightings to determine a final value for each alternative; and (6) choosing the alternative with the highest value.

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