Marriage is defined as the legally and socially sanctioned union of sexually intimate adults; a legal contract with certain rights and obligations.

In psychology, marriage is typically studied as a social and interpersonal relationship between two people. Marriage is often viewed as a long-term commitment that involves a range of behaviors and expectations, including emotional, social, and economic support.

There are many ways in which marriage can impact psychological well-being and functioning. For example, research has shown that married people tend to have better physical and mental health outcomes compared to those who are single or divorced. Marriage may provide social and emotional support, a sense of belonging and connection, and a sense of purpose and meaning.

At the same time, marriage can also present challenges and difficulties, and it is not uncommon for couples to experience conflicts and differences. Psychologists may study the factors that contribute to successful and satisfying marriages, and may work with couples to address relationship challenges and improve communication and problem-solving skills.

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