Deutsch: Begleitende Liebe / Español: Amor Compañero / Português: Amor Companheiro / Français: Amour Compagnon / Italiano: Amore Companion /

Companionate love refers to the feelings of intimacy and affection we feel for another person when we care deeply for the person but do not necessarily experience passion or arousal in his or her presence.

Companionate love, as in the love between two best friends, grows out of a mutual enjoyment in companionship and the intimacy of a close friendship. This love develops slowly and a significant amount of comfort develops between the partners This love, however, need not be between two people, as it is often felt for animals by their caretakers. Many single adults live with a dog or cat that provides friendship and camaraderie for the owner


Companionate love, in the psychology context, refers to a deep and enduring emotional bond between individuals based on mutual respect, trust, and affection. This type of love often develops slowly and is characterized by feelings of warmth, intimacy, and commitment towards each other. Companionate love can exist in various relationships, such as friendships, family bonds, and romantic partnerships. Unlike passionate love, companionate love is more stable and involves a deep sense of caring and concern for the well-being of the other person. Individuals in companionate love relationships tend to prioritize the needs and happiness of their partner, creating a strong foundation of support and understanding.

Application Areas

  • Marriage counseling
  • Therapeutic interventions for families
  • Building trust and collaboration in workplace relationships
  • Promoting emotional well-being in community settings
  • Improving communication skills in interpersonal relationships

Treatment and Risks

  • Therapeutic interventions focused on enhancing communication and empathy
  • Risks may include becoming overly dependent on the other person for emotional fulfillment
  • Failure to address underlying issues can lead to resentment and strained relationships
  • Seeking professional help can provide guidance in managing conflicts and sustaining companionate love over time


  • An elderly couple who have been married for decades and still share a deep connection and affection for each other
  • A close group of friends who support each other through thick and thin, demonstrating loyalty and care
  • A mentor-mentee relationship built on trust, respect, and a shared commitment to growth and development

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Altruistic love
  • Agape love
  • Platonic love
  • Compassionate love
  • Solidarity


Companionate love is a profound emotional bond characterized by caring, trust, and commitment. It involves a deep sense of connection and support between individuals, fostering feelings of warmth and intimacy. By prioritizing each other's well-being and happiness, companionate love relationships can provide a strong foundation for long-lasting and fulfilling connections. Seeking professional help when facing challenges or conflicts in companionate love relationships can help maintain the bond and enhance emotional well-being.


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