Pedophilia refers to a Paraphilia involving strong sexual attraction toward children. Pedophilia A paraphilia in which an adult's sexual urges are directed toward children.

People with Pedophilia have sexual fantasies, urges or behaviors that involve illegal activity with a pre-pubescent child/children - generally 13 years of age or younger.

Pedophilic behavior includes:

(1) undressing the child;

(2) encouraging the child to watch the abuser masturbate;

(3) touching or fondling the child's genitals; and

(4) forcefully performing sexual acts on the child.

Exclusive Pedophiles are only sexually attracted to children, but and are not attracted to adults at all, while some pedophiles limit their activity to their own children or close relatives (called Incest), while others victimize other children. Predatory pedophiles may use force or threaten their victims if they disclose the abuse. The health care providers are legally bound to report such abuse of minors in cases they found it our or the case was reported to them.

This activity constitutes rape and is a felony offense punishable by imprisonment.

Other /More definition:
Pedophilia refers to a sexual activity or sexually arousing fantasies involving a prepubescent child by someone who is at least 16 years old and at least 5 years older than the child.

Pedophilia refers to adult obtainment of sexual gratification by engaging in sexual activities with young children; sex with children as a preferred or exclusive mode of sexual interaction in an adult; child molestation. People who engage in this behavior are called pedophiles, or sexual offenders.

Other /More definition:
pedophilia refers to sexual activity or sexually arousing fantasies involving a pre-pubescent child by someone who is at least 16 years old and at least 5 years older than the child.

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