Glossary R

"Rectus" is the Latin word meaning "straight" and is used in English to refer to multiple topics in the sciences.

Recur means "to occur again". To return. Any symptom (such as fatigue, fever. etc), any sign (such as a heart murmur, fast heartbeat), or any disease can recur.

Recusant means refusing to submit to authority; dissenting. It also refers to a person who refuses to obey authority. Recusant refers one of the Roman Catholics during 16th and 18th century who refused to attend services of the Church of England and were punished for it.

Reflex refers to an innate, unlearned, consistent, automatic response to a stimulus; a mechanism that enables a specific environmental event to elicit a specific response. Example of a reflex is an eyeblink. Moreover, Reflex is a natural, simple, involuntary motor reaction or response to an external stimulus that causes a physical response. Also an unlearned response induced by specific stimuli that have biological relevance to the organism.

Reflex activity refers to the first substage of Piaget’s sensorimotor stage; infants’ actions are confined to exercising innate reflexes, assimilating new objects into these reflexive schemes, and accommodating their reflexes to these novel objects.

Refractory period refers to the time from last orgasm to the next beginning of excitement

In the field of psychology, "regeneration" is a concept that relates to the process of recovering, renewing, or revitalizing one's mental and emotional well-being after experiencing stress, trauma, or adverse life events. It represents the innate capacity of individuals to heal and bounce back from challenging circumstances, ultimately achieving a state of psychological well-being and resilience. Regeneration encompasses various psychological processes and coping strategies that enable individuals to navigate difficult situations and regain their equilibrium. In this article, we will delve into the concept of regeneration in psychology, provide examples, discuss potential risks and application areas, offer recommendations for fostering psychological regeneration, and briefly explore the historical and legal aspects of this concept. Finally, we will list some similar psychological concepts.

Regression refers to the reversion to an earlier stage of development in the face of unacceptable impulses. A reversion to immature patterns of behavior.When an individual retreats to an earlier stage of development that was both more secure and pleasant, this is referred to as regression.

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