Glossary S

Deutsch: Selbst / Español: Yo / Português: Eu / Français: Soi-même / Italiano: Sé stessi /

Self refers to a continuing inner sense of our personhood that organizes our perceptions of our experience. Includes feelings of worth, individuality, our relationship to others and the worl

- Self Assessment : Self Assessment refers to the process of evaluating one's own organizational or personal effectiveness. The term is sometimes recommended for restriction to processes that are focused on qua

Self Awareness (Self-Awareness) refers to a self-conscious state in which Attention focuses on oneself. Self Awareness makes people more sensitive to their own attitudes and dispositions.

Self Construals refer to the ways of thinking about yourself and what bring you happiness:

1) Independent self-construal when a person see oneself as unique, stable, and has the ability

Deutsch: Theorie der Selbstkontrolle / Español: Teoría del autocontrol / Português: Teoria do autocontrole / Français: Théorie du contrôle de soi / Italiano: Teoria del autocontrollo

Self-Control Theory, in the context of psychology, refers to a framework that examines how individuals regulate their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to achieve long-term goals, often in the face of short-term temptations or impulses. This theory is pivotal in understanding various aspects of human behavior, including decision-making, discipline, and willpower. It is closely related to the concept of self-regulation and is considered a crucial element in the study of personality psychology, behavioral psychology, and social psychology.

In the psychology context, self-determination refers to the concept of individuals having the ability and freedom to make choices and control their own lives. Rooted in humanistic psychology, and prominently featured in Self-Determination Theory (SDT) by psychologists Edward L. Deci and Richard M. Ryan, self-determination emphasizes the role of motivation in human behavior and development. SDT suggests that people are motivated to grow and change by three innate and universal psychological needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness.

Self disclosure refers to the process in which therapists or counselors discuss aspects of their own lives in Order to enhance therapeutic progress with clients.

Self-Actualization refers to the process of reaching one's personal goals. According to Maslow, includes self- expression, creatively, connectedness, meaning, purpose, and direction in life.

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