Glossary V

Venereal wart refers to wart-like growth on the genitals. Venereal wart is confined primarily to the moist skin of the genitals.

Venlafaxine refers to an antidepressant available in the United States under the trade name of Effexor or Effexor XR. Venlafaxine is used to treat depression and generalized anxiety disorder. It has also been used to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder and irritable bowel syndrome.

The Ventilation is the movement of air into or out of the lungs (e.g., pulmonary or alveolar ventilation). You can call it "external respiration", too.

The ventilatory threshold (Tvent) is the "breakpoint'' at which pulmonary ventilation and carbon dioxide output begin to increase exponentially during an incremental exercise test.

Venules are small blood vessels carrying capillary blood to veins.

Verbal Abuse refers to the use of language to manipulate, control, ridicule, insult, humiliate, belittle, vilify, and show disrespect and disdain to another, and is often a component of other types of abuse.

Verbal learning refers to a field of experimental psychology which studies the formation of certain verbal associations; deals with acquisition of the associations. There are four (4) basic kinds or Verbal learning: 1. Serial learning 2. Serial-anticipation learning 3. Paired associate learning 4. Free recall learning
Verbal Operants refer to the Units that Skinner described in his theory of verbal behaviour that consist of a response as well as its controlling antecedents and consequences.

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