Glossary V

Very low birth weight refer to newborns who weigh less than 1,500 grams or 3 pounds.

Very old age refers to a stage of psychosocial development that emerges at the upper end of the life span, after one has exceeded the life expectancy for one's birth cohort.

A Vestibular is an apparatus sensory organ, consisting of three semicircular canals, that provides needed information about body position to maintain balance.

Viagra refers to a drug used in the treatment of erectile disorder ; Sildenafil.

In psychology, the term vibrant refers to a state or quality of being full of energy, enthusiasm, and vitality. This concept encompasses a range of positive psychological traits, including liveliness, resilience, and a strong sense of well-being. Vibrant individuals often exhibit high levels of engagement with their surroundings, demonstrate an optimistic outlook on life, and possess the ability to bounce back from challenges. This psychological vibrancy is not merely an absence of illness but a richer state of complete mental, emotional, and often physical well-being.

The term "vibration" in the context of psychology does not have a specific or widely recognized meaning. In psychology, the term is not typically used to describe psychological concepts or phenomena. Instead, it is more commonly associated with physics and the study of physical vibrations, such as sound waves or oscillations.

Vicarious reinforcement refers to a form of learning in which a new behavior is acquired through the process of watching someone else receive reinforcement for the same behavior.

Victim-precipitated rape refers to a view that rape is a result of a woman "asking for it."

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