Glossary W

Writ of Certiorari refers to writ issued by a higher court directing a lower court to prepare the record of a case and send it to the higher court for review.
Written language comprises all facets of written expression, e.g., handwriting, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, format, ability to express one's thoughts in sentences and paragraphs, etc.

Deutsch: Übeltäter / Español: Malhechor / Português: Infrator / Français: Malfaiteur / Italiano: Malfattore

In the psychology context, a "wrongdoer" refers to an individual who engages in behavior that is considered unethical, immoral, illegal, or harmful to others. Psychological studies of wrongdoers encompass a broad spectrum of behaviors, from minor rule-breaking or social norms violations to serious criminal activities. The analysis of wrongdoer behavior involves understanding the psychological mechanisms, motivations, and environmental factors that contribute to such actions.

Wrongfulness in the context of psychology refers to the perception or assessment of an action, behavior, or decision as being morally or ethically incorrect. It encompasses the judgment of whether an act violates societal norms, ethical standards, or personal values. Understanding wrongfulness is crucial in psychology as it sheds light on the moral and ethical dimensions of human behavior and the emotional responses associated with actions that are perceived as wrong.

In psychology, "wrongness" refers to the perception or feeling of something being morally, ethically, or logically incorrect. It encompasses the evaluation of actions, thoughts, or situations as contrary to an individual's or society's standards of right and wrong. The concept of wrongness is integral to moral and ethical decision-making, shaping human behavior, and influencing emotional responses. In this article, we will explore the concept of wrongness in psychology, provide examples, discuss potential risks and application areas, offer recommendations for addressing wrongness, and briefly touch upon historical and legal perspectives. Finally, we will list some similar psychological concepts related to morality, ethics, and judgment.

Wroth is an adjective which means extremely angry.

Wunderkind refers to a child prodigy; a person of remarkable talent or ability who achieves great success or acclaim at an early age. Wunderkind is a German word which literally means wonder child or a child progidy from the words Wunder (wonder, prodigy) and Kind (child) Tiger Woods is a Wunderkind

Wundt, Wilhelm Maximilian (1832-1920) refers to the founder of Experimental Psychology as a separate discipline and of the School of Voluntarism.

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