Deutsch: Antrieb / Español: Impulso / Português: Impulso / Français: Impulsion / Italiano: Impulso /

Drive refers to a physiological state of tension such as hunger, sex, or elimination that motivates an individual to perform actions to reduce the tension.

In the psychology context, drive refers to an internal state of arousal or motivation that directs or energizes behavior towards a particular goal or need. Drives can be either physiological or psychological, and they can be influenced by various factors, such as biological needs, emotions, and personal goals.

Examples of drives in the psychology context include:

Drives are an important aspect of human behavior and motivation, and they can influence how individuals perceive, evaluate, and respond to their environment. Psychologists and other mental health professionals may study drives in order to understand how they influence behavior and decision-making, and to explore ways in which drives can be managed or regulated.

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