Deutsch: Leistung / Español: Logro / Português: Realização / Français: Réalisation / Italiano: Realizzazione /

Achievement is what a person has learned from formal instruction, usually in school; that which is attained by one's efforts and presumed to be made possible by one's abilities.

Achievement in psychology refers to the successful completion of a task or goal that is important to the individual. It is a key aspect of motivation and can have a significant impact on an individual's self-esteem, confidence, and overall psychological well-being.

Examples of achievement in the psychology context include:

  1. Academic achievement - This occurs when individuals successfully complete school-related tasks or reach their academic goals, such as graduating with honors or scoring well on a standardized test.

  2. Career achievement - This occurs when individuals successfully meet their career goals, such as being promoted or earning a significant raise.

  3. Relationship achievement - This occurs when individuals successfully establish and maintain satisfying relationships, such as getting married or building strong connections with friends and family.

  4. Personal achievement - This occurs when individuals successfully meet their personal goals, such as quitting a bad habit, losing weight, or achieving financial stability.

  5. Meeting societal expectations - This occurs when individuals meet societal norms or expectations, such as getting married, having children, or becoming a homeowner.

It is important to note that what is considered an achievement can vary greatly among individuals, as each person's values and goals may differ. Additionally, the psychological impact of achievement can depend on a number of factors, such as the individual's prior experiences with success, the perceived importance of the goal, and the availability of social support.

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