Episodic drive refers to a drive that occurs in distinct episodes.

In psychology, the term "episodic drive" refers to a temporary increase in motivation or goal-directed behavior that is triggered by specific events or experiences. Episodic drive is thought to be influenced by the brain's hippocampus, which is involved in the encoding and consolidation of memories.

Episodic drive is typically associated with events or experiences that are emotionally charged or that have personal significance. For example, an individual might experience an episodic drive to achieve a specific goal after experiencing a failure or setback, or after witnessing someone else achieve success in a similar area.

An example of episodic drive might be an individual who experiences a temporary increase in motivation to exercise after watching a sports event or seeing a friend achieve a fitness goal. The individual might be motivated to set a similar goal for themselves and work towards achieving it.

Overall, episodic drive is a temporary increase in motivation or goal-directed behavior that is triggered by specific events or experiences and is thought to be influenced by the brain's hippocampus.

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