Deutsch: Egalitäre Familie / Español: Familia igualitaria / Português: Família igualitária / Français: Famille égalitaire / Italiano: Famiglia egualitaria /

An Egalitarian family (also Equalitarian family) is defined as a family in which both father and mother have equal authority and dominance.

In psychology, an egalitarian (also spelled equalitarian) family is a family structure in which power and decision-making are shared equally among all family members, regardless of gender or age. This type of family structure values cooperation, open communication, and mutual respect among family members.

Here are some examples of equalitarian families in psychology:

  1. Joint decision-making: In an equalitarian family, important decisions are made through joint discussion and agreement among family members. For example, parents may involve their children in decisions about household rules, activities, and vacations, rather than making all the decisions themselves.

  2. Shared responsibilities: In an equalitarian family, household chores and responsibilities are shared equally among all family members, regardless of gender or age. For example, both parents and children may share in cooking, cleaning, and laundry duties.

  3. Non-traditional gender roles: In an equalitarian family, there is no assumption that certain tasks or roles are gender-specific. For example, both parents may work outside the home, and both may also be involved in child-rearing.

  4. Open communication: In an equalitarian family, communication is open and honest, and family members are encouraged to express their thoughts and feelings. Family members are seen as equals and their opinions are valued equally.

  5. Collaborative problem-solving: In an equalitarian family, when conflicts arise, family members work together to find solutions that work for everyone. They may use negotiation, compromise, and problem-solving skills to reach an agreement.

Overall, the goal of an equalitarian family is to create a supportive and harmonious environment in which all family members are valued and their voices are heard. This type of family structure can foster healthy relationships, promote a sense of community, and provide a supportive network for all members.

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