Deutsch: Sequenzielles Design / Español: Diseño Secuencial / Português: Design Sequencial / Français: Conception Séquentielle / Italiano: Design Sequenziale /

Sequential design refers to combination of cross-sectional and longitudinal designs involving repeated study of different cohorts over time.

Sequential design is a research design used in psychology and other fields to study changes or differences in behavior, cognition, or other psychological phenomena over time or in different conditions. In this design, participants are studied at different points in time, with each time point representing a different condition or situation. The purpose of the design is to examine how changes in one variable (such as time or condition) affect another variable (such as behavior or cognition).

Examples of sequential design in psychology include:

  1. Longitudinal studies: Longitudinal studies follow a group of participants over time, collecting data at multiple time points. These studies are often used to examine changes in cognitive, emotional, or behavioral development over the lifespan.

  2. Cross-sectional studies: Cross-sectional studies compare different groups of people at the same point in time. These studies can be used to examine age-related differences in cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning.

  3. Time-series designs: Time-series designs examine changes in behavior or cognition over time within a single group of participants. For example, a time-series design might be used to study the effects of a new medication on depression symptoms over several weeks.

  4. Repeated measures designs: Repeated measures designs involve studying the same group of participants in multiple conditions or situations. For example, a researcher might study the effects of different types of feedback on learning by having participants complete a task under different feedback conditions.

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