Deutsch: Versagen / Español: Fracaso / Português: Falha / Français: Échec / Italiano: Fallimento /

Failure refers to the expectation that you will fail, or belief that you cannot perform well enough.

Failure in psychology refers to the experience of not achieving a desired outcome or goal. It is a common experience for individuals, and can have significant effects on their self-esteem, motivation, and overall psychological well-being.

Examples of failure in the psychology context include:

  1. Academic failure - This occurs when individuals do not meet their expectations or goals in a school setting. For example, failing a test or not being accepted into a desired college program.

  2. Career failure - This occurs when individuals do not meet their career goals, such as being passed over for a promotion or losing a job.

  3. Relationship failure - This occurs when individuals are unable to establish or maintain satisfying relationships, such as ending a romantic relationship or experiencing conflicts with family members.

  4. Personal failure - This occurs when individuals do not meet their personal goals, such as failing to quit a habit, achieve a desired weight, or meet a financial target.

  5. Failure to meet societal expectations - This occurs when individuals do not meet societal norms or expectations, such as not getting married or having children.

It is important to note that failure can be a subjective experience and may be perceived differently by different individuals. Some individuals may view failure as a learning opportunity, while others may view it as a source of discouragement or shame. The psychological impact of failure can also depend on a number of factors, including the individual's prior experiences with failure, the perceived importance of the failed goal, and the availability of social support.