Glossary S

Storage refers to the process by which people store in memory information they have acquired from the environment.

Strategic Self -Presentation refers to an individual's awareness of the social aspects of self-concept; how people present themselves to others.

Streetwalker refers to a lower-status prostitute or sex worker who walks the streets or lined on the streets selling sexual services.

Stress refers to the negative feelings and beliefs that occur whenever people feel they cannot cope with demands from their environment

See also the article about the life balance.

Other /More definition:
Stress refers to the negative feelings and beliefs that occur whenever people feel they cannot cope with demands from their environment

Stress inoculation refers to the program that prepares individuals for stressors and deal with them rationally, to with:

Stress inoculation training refers to stress reduction method that helps people prepare for difficult situations that have occurred in the past and are likely to occur again in the future.

English: Stress Relief / Deutsch: Stressabbau / Español: Alivio del estrés / Português: Alívio do estresse / Français: Soulagement du stress / Italiano: Riduzione dello stress

In the psychology context, Stress Relief refers to strategies and techniques used to reduce or manage the psychological and physiological response to stress. Stress relief is essential for maintaining mental health and well-being, as chronic stress can lead to a range of mental and physical health issues, including anxiety, depression, cardiovascular diseases, and weakened immune system. Effective stress relief methods can vary widely among individuals, encompassing a range of behavioral, cognitive, and physical techniques.

Stress response dampening (SRD) refers to the decrease in strength of responses to stress, caused by consumption of alcohol.

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