Glossary 0-9

"Arrangers” refer to persons with Obsessive-compulsive disorder who are ruled by magical thinking and superstitions that fuel their need for extreme orderliness and symmetry. "Arrangers” are called as such because they compulsively and repetitively arrange particular items in a specific order.

"Felt responsibility” hypothesis refers to the theory that empathy may promote altruism by causing one to reflect on altruistic norms and thus to feel some obligation to help others who are distressed.

"Five Wishes” refers to a type of advance directive developed in Florida that combines elements of living wills and durable powers of attorney in health care matters in a form that is intended to be easy to understand, simple to use, personal in character, and thorough

"Goodness-of-fit” model refers to Thomas and Chess’s notion that development is likely to be optimized when parents’ child-rearing practices are sensitively adapted to the child’s temperamental characteristics.

"In-group/Out-group” schema refers to the person's general knowledge of the mannerisms, roles, activities, and behaviors that characterize males and females.

"Mother-only” monkeys are monkeys who are raised with their mothers and denied any contact with peers.

"Peer-only” monkeys refer to monkeys who are separated from their mothers (and other adults) soon after birth and raised with peers.

"The message” giving the client (patient) a written message with instructions and/or compliments at the end of a session. The message refers to the therapist written message which he/she gives to his/her client with instructions and/or compliments at the end of a session.

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