Glossary F

F (Fascism) Scale refers to a test of tendencies towards fascism wherein high scorers are prejudiced, racist, and anti-Semitic.

Deutsch: F-Aktin / Español: F-actina / Português: F-actina / Français: F-actine / Italiano: F-actina

F-actin in the psychology context refers to filamentous actin, a polymerized form of the protein actin, which is crucial for various cellular processes, including the structure and function of neurons. In psychology and neuroscience, F-actin plays a significant role in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying brain function, neural plasticity, and behavior.

Face validity refers to the extent to which a test seems to measure a phenomenon on face value or intuition. It is an assessment of whether a test is measuring what it claims to be measuring by inspecting the content of its items. Moreover, Face Validity is a method for establishing a test’s validity in which test items appear to measure what the test was designed to measure;extent to which items on a test appear to be meaningful and relevant. Actually not evidence for validity because face validity is not a basis for inference ; the extent to which a test appears to be valid.

Face-negotiation refers to the process of managing and maintaining one's image, reputation, and self-esteem in social interactions. It is the process of balancing the need to maintain one's own face, or self-image, with the need to respect and maintain the face, or self-image, of others.

Face-Negotiation theory refers to Stella Ting-Toomey's theory which is a type of cross-cultural theory. It tries to explain differences between cultures. Specifically, the theory tries to explain differing approaches to conflict.

Faces Scale refers to a measure of job satisfaction in which raters place a mark under a facial expression that is most similar to the way they feel about their jobs.

Facet refers to a small flat or shallow bony articular surface such as the articular facet of a vertebra.

Facetious means jocular or humorous, usually inappropriately.