Glossary U

The U.S. Dietary Goals are a series of nutritional goals to achieve better health for the American population: 58% carbohydrate; 30% fat (no more than 10% saturated fat); and 12% protein.

English: top world / Deutsch: Uberwelt / Español: Uberwelt / Português: Uberwelt / Français: Uberwelt / Italiano: Uberwelt /

Uberwelt (Überwelt) refer to religious or spiritual beliefs about the ideal world, the way an individual wants the world to be.

Uberwelt was a concept introduced by Deurzen-Smith (1988) to acknowledge the spiritual aspect of being.

Ugly duckling is a term used that refers to a person that is considered ugly or unpromising at first but has the potential of becoming beautiful or admirable in maturity. The term is after the story of The Ugly Duckling written by Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875)

Ugsome is a term which means dreadful, loathsome.

Ulnar deviation (ulnar flexion) refers to adduction movement at the wrist of the little finger side of the hand toward the

Deutsch: Ulnare Greifbewegung / Español: Agarre ulnar / Português: Agarramento ulnar / Français: Prise ulnaire / Italiano: Presa ulnare /

Ulnar grasp refers to an early manipulatory skill in which an infant grasps objects by pressing the fingers against the palm.

Ulnar grasp is a method of grasping objects in which the fingers close somewhat clumsily against the palm.

- Ultimate attribution error : Ultimate attribution error refers to
our tendency to make dispositional attributions about an entire group of people

Ultimatum game refers to an experimental Bargaining situation in which one individual, the allocator, must propose a division of a shared resource to other members; if they reject the