Glossary D

Deutsch: D-Motivation / Español: D-Motivación / Português: D-Motivação / Français: D-Motivation / Italiano: D-Motivazione /

D-Motivation, often referred to as "Desire Motivation," is a concept in psychology that pertains to the processes, factors, and dynamics that underlie an individual's desires and wants. This article delves into the psychology context of D-Motivation, exploring its characteristics, potential risks, application areas, and offering recommendations for harnessing and managing one's desires. Additionally, we'll consider historical perspectives and legal considerations in the realm of motivation.

D-Perception, short for "Dynamic Perception," is a concept in psychology that pertains to the dynamic and fluid nature of human perception. This article delves into the psychology context of D-Perception, providing insights into its characteristics, potential risks, application areas, and recommendations for enhancing and understanding perception. Additionally, we'll consider historical perspectives and legal considerations related to the field of perception.

Deutsch: Täglicher Ärger / Español: Molestia Diaria / Português: Aborrecimento Diário / Français: Tracas Quotidiennes / Italiano: Fastidio Quotidiano /

Daily hassle refers to everyday events that people experience as harmful, threatening, or annoying.

Daily hassles is defined as minor daily stressful events which are believed to have a cumulative effect in increasing the likelihood of illness. They are everyday events that people experience as harmful, threatening, or annoying.

Daily Life Therapy (HIGASHI) refers to a programme that aims to provide autistic children with a systematic education through group dynamics, modelling and physical activity.

Daily Value is a standard used in nutritional labeling.

Daimonic is a term which according to May refers to any human attribute or function that in moderation is positive but in excess is negative.

DAISY Files refers to a non-proprietary format for electronic text that allows for the pairing of text with an MP3 file. DAISY requires a specialised playback device or computer software to use. The system also allows the student to navigate through the text via word, heading, chapter or page. (See Digital Accessible Information System )