Psychology Glossary
Glossary of Psychology
The Glossary of Psychology describes everything about the World of Psychology. Terms, Treatments, biographies, ... .
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MD is the abbreviations of Muscular dystrophy that refers to a chronic disease characterized by a progressive wasting away of the muscles. Likewise, MD is a broad term used to describe a genetic disorder of the muscles. It causes the muscles in the body to become very weak, and over a period of time, the muscles break down and are replaced with fatty deposits.Sleep Disorder
Deutsch: Schlafstörung / Español: Trastorno del Sueño / Português: Distúrbio do Sono / Français: Trouble du Sommeil / Italiano: Disturbo del Sonno
In the context of psychology, a sleep disorder refers to conditions that affect the quality, timing, or duration of sleep, significantly impacting a person's overall health, mood, and ability to function.
Multiple-alternative questions
Multiple-alternative questions refer to kind of questions written such that the possible response alternatives are restricted.
Fraternal twins
Fraternal twins refer to two (2) offsprings developed from two (2) separate ova fertilized by different spermatozoa. Also refers to children born at the same time who developed from two (2) different ova. Fraternal twins is also known as Dizygotic twins. Please see --->Dizygotic twins.