Glossary 0-9

"A stage-based model of coping with dying" describes "stages” in how those coping react to and attempt to manage their stressors. Kübler-Ross identified five (5) of these stages as denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance

"A task-based model of coping with dying" describes areas of "task work” in coping with dying; Corr identified four (4) areas of such task work: physical (addressing bodily needs and physical distress); psychological (concerned with security, autonomy, and richness or dignity in living); social (relating to interactions with other individuals or social groups); and spiritual (involving meaningfulness, connectedness, and transcendence)

"acting as if"refers to a technique wherein patients are asked to "act as if” a behavior will be effective. Patients are encouraged to try a new role, the way they might try on new clothing.

"Bashful bladder" refers to a condition sometimes found in Social phobia in which the affected person fears being unable to urinate when others are around such as in a public restroom.

"G" factor refers to the general ability. The "G" Factor is the measure of a person's mental ability. It measures not only intelligence but also how a person brain works.

"less is more" Hypothes refers to the hypothesis that is proposed by Newport which states that children's smaller short-term memory span which is compared with that of adults facilitates language acquisition by giving children smaller chunks of language to analyze.

"Split-brain" operation is the cutting the corpus callosum. The symptoms of refractory epilepsy can be reduced by cutting the corpus callosum in an operation known as a corpus callosotomy

"The third degree" refers to the use of brutality during the interrogation process