Vernix refers to an oily, white, cheese-like substance that coats or covers the fetus in the uterus to protect the skin from chapping and protects the fetus’s skin during development.

Vernix is a white, waxy substance that is produced by the fetus during pregnancy. It forms a protective coating over the skin of the fetus, particularly in the later stages of development. Vernix is thought to have several important functions, including protecting the skin of the fetus from chapping and drying out, providing a lubricant to help the fetus move in the womb, and helping to regulate the temperature of the fetus.

Vernix is produced by the sebaceous glands, which are located in the skin of the fetus. It is composed of a mixture of oils, water, and cells that have been shed from the skin. As the fetus grows, the vernix becomes thicker and more widespread, covering more of the skin. Most of the vernix is absorbed by the fetus before birth, but some may remain on the skin after delivery. In newborns, vernix may appear as a white, cheese-like substance on the skin. It is usually absorbed into the skin within a few days of birth.

Vernix is a normal and important part of fetal development, and it serves an important protective function for the developing fetus.